Free Stuff


FREE: Rich Habits Guidebook & Toolkit

Grab your free copy of the Rich Habits Guidebook and the Rich Habits Toolkit as promised in the book Rich Habits.

The Guidebook contains step-by-step action plans that will help you apply the Rich Habits.

The Toolkit contains spreadsheets, example letters, and other goodies promised in the book.

FREE: Rich Habits Audiobook Illustrated Companion

You’ve heard the saying that a picture tells a thousand words. And it’s true.

I have found it easier to understand concepts when I sketch them out, so it’s no surprise that Rich Habits contains 72 illustration and tables.

To be sure that you don’t miss out on those illustrations, and to help you truly understand all of the concepts in the book, I’ve created this Rich Habits Audiobook Illustrated Companion.

And I asked the voice artist, to refer to each illustration as “Figure X” so that you can easily find it in this booklet.

It’s with great pleasure I present to you the Rich Habits Audiobook (available on Amazon & iTunes) and this Illustrated Companion.

With this combination, you’ll be practicing Rich Habits in no time.

FREE: Marketing Genius Bonuses

To help you learn and implement the Marketing Laws , I’ve created these resources you can download for free:

1. Illustrated Chart - Get a copy of all 114 Profitable Laws of Marketing & Advertising in an easy to follow illustrated chart.

2. Marketing Checklist - use this to check your marketing to ensure you are applying the laws.

3. Campaign Evaluator - Get a copy of my template that I use to measure the the Cost per Lead and Cost per Sale of all marketing campaigns.


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