114 Profitable Laws of
Advertising & Marketing

Below you’ll find all illustrations of the 114 Marketing Laws taken from my book, How to be a Marketing Genius.

These Laws are a tool you can use to check all of your advertising and marketing campaigns.

For example, when creating an email campaign, make sure that the email subject passes all of the laws relating to Headlines. 

If you find yourself arguing about or defending a marketing campaign, read over the laws on Testing and share them with others who offer only opinions.

Apply the laws on Strategy, Salesmanship, and Being Specific to every page of your website.

In short, you hold in your hands a valuable tool. Using it in this way is like having Claude Hopkins or myself review your marketing, ensuring it has the best chance of success.

If you do that, you’ll be considered a Marketing Genius!

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Fundamental Laws


Strategy Laws

Salesmanship Laws

Testing Laws

Headline Laws

Samples & Gifts

Call-to-Action Laws

Human Nature Laws

Ads-in-Print Laws

Being Specific Laws

Story Laws

Art Laws

Distribution Laws

Individuality Laws

Negative Advertising Laws

Letter Writing Laws

Branding Laws